
This tutorial provides a basic Python programmer’s introduction to BigARTM. It demonstrates how to

  • install BigARTM library on your computer,
  • configure basic BigARTM parameters,
  • load the text collection into BigARTM,
  • infer topic model and retrieve the results.

Installation on Windows

  • Download and install Python 2.7 (https://www.python.org/downloads/).

  • Download and unpack the latest BigARTM release (https://github.com/bigartm/bigartm/releases). Choose carefully between win32 and x64 version. The version of BigARTM package must match your version Python installed on your machine.

  • Add BigARTM to your PATH and PYTHONPATH system variables as follows:

    set PATH=%PATH%;C:\BigARTM\bin

    Remebmer to change C:\BigARTM if you unpacked BigARTM to a different location.

  • Setup Google Protocol Buffers library, included in the BigARTM release package. To do so, follow the instructions in protobuf/python/README.

The BigARTM package will contain the following files:


Precompiled binaries of BigARTM for Windows. Two files are particularly important:

  • The bin/artm.dll contains the core functionality of the BigARTM library.
  • The bin/node_controller.exe is an executable that hosts BigARTM nodes in a distributed setting.

This folder must be added to PATH system variable.

protobuf/ A minimalistic version of Google Protocol Buffers library, required to run BigARTM from Python. To setup this package follow the instructions in protobuf/python/README file.

Python programming interface to BigARTM library.

  • library.py implements all classes of BigARTM python interface.
  • messages_pb2.py contains all protobuf messages that can be transfered in and out BigARTM core library. Most common features are exposed with their own API methods, so normally you do not use python protobuf messages to operate BigARTM.

This folder must be added to PYTHONPATH system variable.


Python examples of how to use BigARTM:

Files docword.kos.txt and vocab.kos.txt represent a simple collection of text files in Bag-Of-Words format. The files are taken from UCI Machine Learning Repository.


Several programming interfaces to BigARTM library.

  • c_interface.h - low-level BigARTM interface in plain C.
  • cpp_interface.h, cpp_interface.cc, messages.pb.h and messages.pb.cc provide C++ interface of BigARTM (not documented).
  • messages.proto describe all protocol buffer messages that appear in the API of BigARTM (documented here).
LICENSE License file of BigARTM.

Installation on Linux

Currently there is no distribution package of BigARTM for Linux. BigARTM had been tested on several Linux OS, and it is known to work well, but you have to get the source code and compile it locally on your machine. Please, refer to Developer’s Guide for further instructions.

To get a live usage example of BigARTM you may check BigARTM’s .travis.yml script and the latest continuous integration build.

Intel Math Kernel Library

BigARTM can utilize Intel Math Kernel Library to achieve better performance.

To enable MKL usage on Windows add the path to MKL library to your PATH system variable

set PATH=%PATH%;"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Composer XE 2013 SP1\redist\intel64\mkl"

To enable MKL usage on Linux create a new system variable MKL_PATH and set it as follows

export MKL_PATH="/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/"

First steps

Run example02_parse_collection.py script from BigARTM distributive. It will load a text collection from disk and use iterative scans over the collection to infer some topic models. Then it outputs top works in each topic and topic classification of some random documents. Running the script produces the following output:

>python example02_parse_collection.py

 No batches found, parsing them from textual collection...  OK.
 Iter#0 : Perplexity = 6921.336 , Phi sparsity = 0.046  , Theta sparsity = 0.050
 Iter#1 : Perplexity = 2538.800 , Phi sparsity = 0.101  , Theta sparsity = 0.082
 Iter#2 : Perplexity = 2208.745 , Phi sparsity = 0.173  , Theta sparsity = 0.156
 Iter#3 : Perplexity = 1953.304 , Phi sparsity = 0.259  , Theta sparsity = 0.229
 Iter#4 : Perplexity = 1776.102 , Phi sparsity = 0.337  , Theta sparsity = 0.296
 Iter#5 : Perplexity = 1693.438 , Phi sparsity = 0.395  , Theta sparsity = 0.322
 Iter#6 : Perplexity = 1650.383 , Phi sparsity = 0.442  , Theta sparsity = 0.334
 Iter#7 : Perplexity = 1624.210 , Phi sparsity = 0.478  , Theta sparsity = 0.341

 Top tokens per topic:
 Topic#1:  democratic  campaign  dean  poll  general  edwards  party  voters  john  republicans
 Topic#2:  iraq  administration  war  white  bushs  officials  time  people  attacks  news
 Topic#3:  military  iraqi  abu  iraqis  fallujah  soldiers  truth  ghraib  army  forces
 Topic#4:  state  republican  race  elections  district  percent  gop  election  candidate  house
 Topic#5:  planned  soldier  cities  heart  stolen  city  husband  christopher  view  amp
 Topic#6:  cheney  debate  union  politics  unions  local  endorsement  space  black  labor
 Topic#7:  president  war  states  united  years  government  jobs  tax  people  health
 Topic#8:  delay  law  court  texas  committee  ballot  donors  investigation  records  federal
 Topic#9:  november  electoral  account  governor  polls  republicans  senate  vote  poll  contact

 Snippet of theta matrix:
 Item#1:  0.054  0.108   0.017   0.282   0.000   0.000   0.528   0.000   0.011
 Item#2:  0.174  0.060   0.686   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.081   0.000
 Item#3:  0.000  0.000   0.000   0.000   0.117   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.883
 Item#4:  0.225  0.128   0.058   0.078   0.012   0.455   0.010   0.027   0.008
 Item#5:  0.455  0.145   0.083   0.124   0.009   0.031   0.136   0.017   0.000
 Item#6:  0.455  0.000   0.000   0.518   0.027   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
 Item#7:  0.573  0.023   0.341   0.041   0.000   0.000   0.012   0.000   0.010
 Item#8:  0.759  0.000   0.229   0.013   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
 Item#9:  0.258  0.000   0.070   0.453   0.000   0.000   0.218   0.000   0.000

Parse collection

The following python script parses docword.kos.txt and vocab.kos.txt files and converts them into a set of binary-serialized batches, stored on disk. In addition the script creates a dictionary with all unique tokens in the collection and stored it on disk. The script also detects if it had been already executed, and in this case it just loads the dictionary and save it in unique_tokens variable.

The same logic is implemented in a helper-method ParseCollectionOrLoadDictionary method.

data_folder = sys.argv[1] if (len(sys.argv) >= 2) else ''
target_folder = 'kos'
collection_name = 'kos'

batches_found = len(glob.glob(target_folder + "/*.batch"))
if batches_found == 0:
  print "No batches found, parsing them from textual collection...",
  collection_parser_config = artm.messages_pb2.CollectionParserConfig();
  collection_parser_config.format = artm.library.CollectionParserConfig_Format_BagOfWordsUci

  collection_parser_config.docword_file_path = data_folder + 'docword.'+ collection_name + '.txt'
  collection_parser_config.vocab_file_path = data_folder + 'vocab.'+ collection_name + '.txt'
  collection_parser_config.target_folder = target_folder
  collection_parser_config.dictionary_file_name = 'dictionary'
  unique_tokens = artm.library.Library().ParseCollection(collection_parser_config);
  print " OK."
  print "Found " + str(batches_found) + " batches, using them."
  unique_tokens  = artm.library.Library().LoadDictionary(target_folder + '/dictionary');

You may also download larger collections from the following links:

Task Source #Words #Items Precompiled batches and dictionary docword file vocab file
kos UCI 6906 3430 kos_1k (700 KB) kos_dictionary docword.kos.txt.gz (1 MB) vocab.kos.txt (54 KB)
nips UCI 12419 1500 nips_200 (1.5 MB) nips_dictionary docword.nips.txt.gz (2.1 MB) vocab.nips.txt (98 KB)
enron UCI 28102 39861 enron_1k (7.1 MB) enron_dictionary docword.enron.txt.gz (11.7 MB) vocab.enron.txt (230 KB)
nytimes UCI 102660 300000 nytimes_1k (131 MB) nytimes_dictionary docword.nytimes.txt.gz (223 MB) vocab.nytimes.txt (1.2 MB)
pubmed UCI 141043 8200000 pubmed_10k (1 GB) pubmed_dictionary docword.pubmed.txt.gz (1.7 GB) vocab.pubmed.txt (1.3 MB)
wiki Gensim 100000 3665223 wiki_10k (1.1 GB) wiki_dictionary    


Master component is you main entry-point to all BigARTM functionality. The following script creates master component and configures it with several regularizers and score calculators.

with artm.library.MasterComponent(disk_path = target_folder) as master:
  perplexity_score     = master.CreatePerplexityScore()
  sparsity_theta_score = master.CreateSparsityThetaScore()
  sparsity_phi_score   = master.CreateSparsityPhiScore()
  top_tokens_score     = master.CreateTopTokensScore()
  theta_snippet_score  = master.CreateThetaSnippetScore()

  dirichlet_theta_reg  = master.CreateDirichletThetaRegularizer()
  dirichlet_phi_reg    = master.CreateDirichletPhiRegularizer()
  decorrelator_reg     = master.CreateDecorrelatorPhiRegularizer()

Master component must be configured with a disk path, which should contain a set of batches produced in the previous step of this tutorial.

Score calculators allows you to retrieve important quality measures for your topic model. Perplexity, sparsity of theta and phi matrices, lists of tokens with highest probability within each topic are all examples of such scores. By default BigARTM does not calculate any scores, so you have to create in master component. The same is true for regularizers, that allow you to customize your topic model.

For further details about master component refer to MasterComponentConfig.

Configure Topic Model

Topic model configuration defins the number of topics in the model, the list of scores to be calculated, and the list of regularizers to apply to the model. For further details about model configuration refer to ModelConfig.

model = master.CreateModel(topics_count = 10, inner_iterations_count = 10)
model.EnableRegularizer(dirichlet_theta_reg, -0.1)
model.EnableRegularizer(dirichlet_phi_reg, -0.2)
model.EnableRegularizer(decorrelator_reg, 1000000)
model.Initialize(unique_tokens)    # Setup initial approximation for Phi matrix.

Note that on the last step we configured the initial approximation of Phi matrix. This step is optional — BigARTM is able to collect all tokens dynamically during first scan of the collection. However, a deterministic initial approximation helps to reproduce the same results from run to run.

Invoke Iterations

The following script performs several scans over the set of batches. Depending on the size of the collection this step might be quite time-consuming. It is good idea to output some information after every step.

for iter in range(0, 8):
  master.InvokeIteration(1)        # Invoke one scan of the entire collection...
  master.WaitIdle();               # and wait until it completes.
  model.Synchronize();             # Synchronize topic model.
  print "Iter#" + str(iter),
  print ": Perplexity = %.3f" % perplexity_score.GetValue(model).value,
  print ", Phi sparsity = %.3f" % sparsity_phi_score.GetValue(model).value,
  print ", Theta sparsity = %.3f" % sparsity_theta_score.GetValue(model).value

If your collection is very large you may want to utilize online algorithm that updates topic model several times during each iteration, as it is demonstrated by the following script:

master.InvokeIteration(1)        # Invoke one scan of the entire collection...
while True:
  done = master.WaitIdle(100)    # wait 100 ms
  model.Synchronize(0.9)         # decay weights in current topic model by 0.9,
  if (done):                     # append all increments and invoke all regularizers.

Retrieve and visualize scores

Finally, you are interested in retrieving and visualizing all collected scores.
